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Pregnancy Update: 31 weeks.


Carlee, taking care of her baby [doll].  She has already claimed that the baby in my belly is “hers”.

How far along: 30 weeks in pic, 31 weeks now.  I really should stop taking pictures at the end of the day, when I look exhausted!  I promise that I put on make-up every day and actual clothes, most days.
Size of baby: 3.3 pounds & 16.25 inches, or the size of 4 navel oranges (according to my app.  shaking my head.)  Although, yesterday I measured at 36 weeks – my ob says if the baby keeps growing at this rate, I’ll have a 9 pounder, a month early.  Stay tuned.
Maternity clothes: I really thought I was going to get to break out my cute winter stuff – we had approximately 2.2 days of cooler weather, followed by consistent 90 degree temps.  Again.  I think maybe another cold front might be coming through tonight, although I won’t hold my breath.  I’ll survive with whatever I’m wearing, it’s just hard to dress my kiddos appropriately.
Movement: Yes, still lots.  My doctor told me to watch and make sure I have 10 kicks in an hour, and I told him it wasn’t uncommon for this baby to have 10 kicks in 10 minutes. But the movements are definitely slowing down a bit – not the jerky movements anymore.  I’m also having quite a few Braxton-Hicks, which is exciting and very painful, all at the same time.
Sleep: Getting more and more uncomfortable.  I am still snoring, I am still tossing and turning, and I am still in need of regular chiropractic adjustments and prenatal massages.
Cravings: Not too many now that I’ve been cutting down on sugar and grains.  I do like HEB’s vegetable crackers (which actually have like 0 vegetables?) and HEB’s honey wheat pretzels.  Both of those I could probably eat the entire box or bag, but I do limit myself.  I also still like milk and will drink a small glass each night before bed.
Symptoms: HOT.  Mostly due to the weather, but I have to have my fans on all the time.  Kevin has started growing his hair out, instead of buzzing it, mostly because I think I’m freezing him out.  [I'm reminded of that scene in Father of the Bride 2, when Steve Martin's wife AND daughter are pregnant in the middle of summer.  They've cranked the a/c on full blast, and Steve Martin runs around wearing blankets and mittens...]
What I miss: Other than sleep?  Really, nothing.  I am in the phase of realizing how little time is left of this pregnancy, knowing it will be our last, and enjoying being a punching bag for this baby’s kicking.  I am truly wondering how much more my belly is going to grow, but in the end, it will all be worth it.
Favorite Moments: I think we have decided on her name!  It’s a very recent discovery (as in, the past day or so?) and like all our girls, we don’t have a middle name yet.  We’ll take suggestions, other than Faith & Joy, which Kennedy & Carlee already have.  So far, I have thought of “tax deduction”, “Christmas gift”, and “the grand finale”.  Colby has suggested “Judges” or “Ruth” – because of course in the Bible those come after Joshua, which is his middle name.

© Jenna for kevin and jenna [dot] com, 2011. | Permalink | 2 comments | Add to del.icio.us
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